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CFRB ReBoot - Read about it here
CFRB is proud to announce that we are back. David Brollier, author Carole McDonnell and Deborah Dunson have joined together in God to let Him breathe life back into the Christian Fiction Review Blog. We are making some changes that I think you will like.
Instead of getting a certain book from an author and having our members read it and write a review about that book, we've decided that our members are already avid readers. So why not have them review what they are reading instead of trying to dump another assignment on them?
That's the biggest change. What we would like from members is to hear about the book you are reading, the name of the book, and where people can purchase it, as well as your website and when you will be done, estimated, finishing it and putting your review up on your site. Doing it this way allows us to tell visitors to our site to know that a review is coming up on a book so they have something to look forward to that. We also send people to your site before and after you've set up the review. By doing so we can help increase the "foot traffic" to your website.
We also would ask that you would send your review to us so we can repost it. Again with your website address as well as where the book can be sold. I'm also thinking of creating a link embedded icon for The CFRB that you can proudly display on your site.
Kick of date should be around Feb. 1st. Hope to see you there. To join this Yahoo group click on the Yahoo Group join button at the top of this page and may God be with you all. CFRB
Instead of getting a certain book from an author and having our members read it and write a review about that book, we've decided that our members are already avid readers. So why not have them review what they are reading instead of trying to dump another assignment on them?
That's the biggest change. What we would like from members is to hear about the book you are reading, the name of the book, and where people can purchase it, as well as your website and when you will be done, estimated, finishing it and putting your review up on your site. Doing it this way allows us to tell visitors to our site to know that a review is coming up on a book so they have something to look forward to that. We also send people to your site before and after you've set up the review. By doing so we can help increase the "foot traffic" to your website.
We also would ask that you would send your review to us so we can repost it. Again with your website address as well as where the book can be sold. I'm also thinking of creating a link embedded icon for The CFRB that you can proudly display on your site.
Kick of date should be around Feb. 1st. Hope to see you there. To join this Yahoo group click on the Yahoo Group join button at the top of this page and may God be with you all. CFRB